When do you know it’s time to start outsourcing some of your business?
Regularly during Strategy Session cllients talk to me about an aspect of their business they’re really struggling with. When I question whether they’ve considered outsourcing it, they usually respond with: “Yes… but how do I know when is the right time?”
Good question. And here’s my thoughts on that.
If you are regularly spending time on a task that could be competently performed by someone else at an hourly rate less than your own, it’s time to outsource. If you haven’t already, put an hourly rate to your area of expertise! This rate should be VERY different to the hourly spend on admin, for example.
Never outsource a task because you don’t understand it. I highly recommend paying someone to better educate you on a topic, or support you in growing your business, but putting something in the “too hard” basket is never a good reason to outsource. First… Google it! Spend a few hours digging a little deeper on an area you’re considering outsourcing so you know exactly what you’re looking for in a potential contractor.
Outsource an aspect of your business because you DO understand it and you know your time is better spent (and more valuable) focussed on other aspects of your business.