“Why bother writing such long Instagram captions when nobody reads them anyway?”
I’ve heard this question before as I’m known for my somewhat-lengthy captions on Instagram! As you might have guessed, I have a lot of thoughts on it!
I’m not chasing likes, I’m chasing attention. Not everyone is going to stop and read a lengthy Instagram post, and that’s fine! But those that DO are the types of followers I genuinely want to connect with.
Similarly, being a free and useful resource to people attracts the right audience, and clients, without you needing to pay for them. In a largely pay-to-play social media world, this is a HUGE benefit. (At the risk of sounding like a broken record: Don’t underestimate the gains you can make by providing value in a world where people are used to being sold to.)
You might have heard me say before “Think about how your ideal client would like to be served?”. My ideal client wants useful, easy-to-digest information they can apply to their businesses using their existing resources. Sharing advice through longer captions is one way I can offer this.
And lastly, I was a journalist for the first 6+ years of my career and writing brings me great joy, so why stop! #cantstopwontstop
Fun Fact: I keep a running document of every Instagram post I’ve shared and ideas I have for upcoming posts. This document is currently over 60 pages long and this Instagram account is less than 6 months old. That’s a LOT of words…. Over 20,000 to be exact. (Thank you, word count).