You have big dreams, a vision and goals for where you want your business to go. Your ideal clients have needs and wants they’re looking to fulfill. So how do you let them know that your business is the solution they’ve been looking for?
The answer to that is CONTENT STRATEGY.
Content Strategy is all about why and how you connect and communicate with your target client. Your website, email, social media platforms and in-person experiences are all ways you can do this.
Potential clients and customers will spend their money with the brand and business to which they feel most connected, so how you communicate with them matters. Sometimes that is face-to-face, but most commonly it will be via online channels. This means your written word, and choice of imagery, is more important than ever.
You probably spend a lot of time selecting the right image for your social media feed, but what about that dreaded caption that goes with it? Planning the creation and delivery of the images AND words you use is so important. It enables you to project your brand identity with consistency and confidence. Only then will you begin to be the solution your ideal client has been looking for.