So you’ve found a niche in a market and you’re thinking there’s a business opportunity in there that you want to pursue…. Before you get too carried away there’s one more BIG question I need you to answer. Is there a market in the niche? Let me explain a bit more.


Is there a market for your big idea?

How far along with my business idea do I need to be before I ask for help?” EXCELLENT question. And the short answer is: the sooner you ask for help the more efficient you’ll be in testing your idea and deciding whether or not you should pursue it further. Here’s a great example.


It’s never too early to ask for help

When starting or running a predominantly online business, it’s common to spend a lot of time and energy focused on how you can attract as many people as possible to your brand. You think “The world is my oyster filled with potential clients and customers!”. And to some extent it is. But here’s a reality check.


Start small and local. Here’s why.

Are you tired of hearing the word authentic? #liveauthentic I love what it stands for, but the word itself makes me cringe. Anyone else? So I’ve got a new word for you instead. RELEVANT. 


It’s not enough to be authentic

You used to post to your social accounts EVERY.DAY! And then it became a few times a week, and then a couple of times a week and now… you’re desperate to outsource it because you’re drowning trying to do “all the things”. Before you go any further you need to read this!


All About Social Media Management

This is not going to be a popular opinion… But I’m going to share it anyway, because it’s a truth I’m glad I came to terms with before starting The Strategy Studio. When it comes to starting and running a successful business, it’s not enough to indulge your passion. There, I said it. And now I’m going to explain.


Business is about more than passion

Who are you trying to exclude? Often when working on our marketing strategies and growing our businesses we spend a lot of time focussed on attracting our ideal client. Who are we trying to draw in? Whose attention are we chasing? How are we going to engage with the type of people willing to spend money on our products and/or services? Equally important to focussing on who you ARE trying to attract is a consideration of who (or what) you DON’T want to attract.


Why excluding people is important

Having one of those days (or weeks) where you feel like you’ve got nothing to say and no pictures worth sharing on your social channels? An easy quick tip is to take a look at your Instagram insights and see what content your audience has been responding too most of late. If there’s no patterns that stand out, here are some other ideas to kick-start your social media slump.


What to say when you’re out of words (and photos)

“Why bother writing such long Instagram captions when nobody reads them anyway?” I’ve heard this question before as I’m known for my somewhat-lengthy captions on Instagram. As you might have guessed, I have a lot of thoughts on it! Here’s 4 reasons I believe longer captions are worth the effort.


Why captions really do matter

“But if I share too much of my process, or give too much away, no one will ever need my services.” Ever found yourself second guessing posting something on your social media out of fear it feels “too good to share”? The problem with this way of thinking is that you’re usually basing this decision to post or not post based on your COMPETITOR instead of your CUSTOMER.


No such thing as “too good to share”