These beautiful souls? They’re the reason my presence on my blog and social media has been so infrequent of late. Trying to run a business while full-time parenting is freaking hard. #truth.
My “work week” looks a lot less like a “week” and a lot more like Strategy Sessions via Zoom between 5.30am and 8am, a few bonus moments during the day if Jacob decides to nap for more than 29 minutes (rare ) and night time sessions with my laptop.
Is my “work week” ideal at the moment?—ah, no. But is it also a reality that many entrepreneurial women experience in running their businesses? It sure is.
♀️If you’re doubting yourself and feeling like you’re dropping balls all over the place, just remember; there’s glass balls and rubber balls. You’ve only got to keep the glass ones in the air. The others will bounce and you can catch them to try again another day.
Priortise your glass balls, friends. You’ve got this.