Investing in your own business feels scary, right? You always have hope that it’s going to pay off and be worth it, but you rarely know with any certainty what the return on your investment is going to be. This year as interest rates started to rise, the weekly grocery bill went bonkers, and the […]


The best investment in my business this year

This was me on June 17, the day after my last Instagram post. In emergency, feeling like absolute rubbish, breastfeeding a baby. #wakeupcall

It wasn’t serious. (Swipe to see — I’m absolutely fine.) But it was scary.


I’m back! This is where I’ve been

When I sat down to write a little update to my newsletter subscribers, it did not go as planned! I ended up sharing a LOT more than I intended. There’s some valuable takeaways in here, so I’m adding it to the blog in case my recent learnings are valuable for you too.


Why I’m feeling really uncomfortable

These beautiful souls? They’re the reason my presence on my blog and social media has been so infrequent of late. It’s been a juggling act… and I’ve finally found a way to get better at it!


It’s been a while! I’ve learnt to juggle!