Did you hear about Instagram’s plans to return the chronological feed next year? Here’s what we know so far, and what you can start thinking about.
1. They aren’t returning everyone’s feeds to chronological display.
2. They’ll be introducing an option for you to select a list of “Favourites” whose posts you want to see higher up in your feed.
3. There will be another option where you can display your feed chronologically.
THINGS TO THINK ABOUT….. Your social media strategy needs to play to both options!
You need to start being conscious of the times of day your audience is most likely to interact with your content (for people that choose to sort their feeds chronologically).
AND think about what can you do now to make sure followers select your profile as one of their “Favourites” when the time comes, so your content will get seen (for people who choose to sort by favourites first).
Questions? Pop them below and I’ll get back to you.