It wasn’t that long ago that “Content Pillars” were the staple of every marketing strategy.  → Don’t know what to post about? Check your Content Pillars.  → Wondering if an idea aligns with your brand identity? Check your Content Pillars.  But with social media engagement at an all-time low and the most seemingly-random content going […]

Social Media

Are content pillars dead?

If you want to increase your reach on social media, there are 3 metrics you need to pay close attention to.  🚀Not all metrics are created equal. 🚀 I always say first and foremost: The metrics that matter are the ones aligned with your business goals.  If one of your goals happens to be to […]

Social Media

These metrics matter

When discussing pricing with potential clients, the term “sticker shock” often comes up. It’s that immediate, gut reaction clients have when they see the price of your service for the first time. This reaction stems from their preconceived notion of the value of your service and how your pricing aligns with that perception. The root […]

Social Media

This is how to avoid pricing “sticker shock”

Is your engagement on your social media content down? I’ve got something that can help.  There’s nothing more frustrating than putting so much energy into your content only to post it and…. CRICKETS.  If only people would actually engage with what you’ve created! But let me ask…. Do you engage when you’re using social media? […]

Social Media

10 Calls To Action to boost engagement

One of the first things a visitor sees when they land on your Instagram profile is your bio. So, how can you make sure it’s not only reflective of your brand but also optimised for discoverability? Let’s dive in! Did you know SEO applies to your Instagram bio, just like it does your website?  Yep! […]

Social Media

How to optimise your Instagram bio

Back in May 2023 I started a little social media experiment. I transformed my Instagram feed into a 9-grid; a monthly e-magazine cover that allows you to click in to read carefully-curated tips, trends, insights, education, motivation and encouragement to help you navigate the constantly-evolving world of small business marketing. I called it The MixTape; […]

Social Media

How a 9-grid impacted my Instagram analytics

Ever been told a secret marketing hack that sounds too simple to be true? Well, here it is: Rinse and repeat. Yes, you read that right. Rinse and repeat! Every time I share this with a client, their reaction is almost always the same: “But I’ve already shared that!”  “I only post when I have […]

Social Media

The easiest social media marketing hack

Inside my Marketing Matters Accountability Groups we were recently joined by the fabulous Emma of Gem Socials for a round of social media Myth Busters and I think our minds were collectively blown with some of the insights Emma shared!  So much so, that I had to share a few of them with you!  MYTH: […]

Social Media

Myth Busters: Social Media Edition

Just getting started with social media for business and don’t know where to start?  Here’s 3 steps to help you get started on your social media marketing adventure with a solid (and achievable) action plan.  STEP 1: Identify your target audience and their social media habits. STEP 2: Determine your goals What are you wanting […]

Social Media

New to marketing? Start here.

🥂What is “champagne” content, you ask? 🥂 Champagne content is what I call content that resonates most strongly—and repeatedly—with your ideal client. It’s usually also the content you find fun and *easy(er)* to make. No surprise that your audience can sense the content you love to create, right?! 😉🤭 Here’s 3 great metrics to help […]

Social Media

Discover your “champagne” content