Finding the motivation to keep marketing your small business can be exhausting, right?
→ Every time you open Instagram there’s a new “trend” you’re meant to be on top of.
→ You’re wondering how on earth you’re meant to use email marketing to book more clients.
→ Paid Ads feel like a total mystery to you. (Is it really necessary?)
→ And you’re wondering where it’s worth investing your energy to actually see some results, because ain’t nobody got time for marketing that doesn’t work!*
(*Nods head and rolls eyes while reading this. 😉😂)
What if someone could cut through the noise and serve you a monthly Marketing 101 with strategies that will help move the needle in your business?
Well that’s what we’re going to do in Marketing Masters, my 6-month Group Coaching program which is finally restarting in July!
If you’re craving education, community and the accountability that comes from being surrounded by like-minded business owners every month—this program has your name on it.
We meet together online for a 1-Hour marketing workshop each month with my goal always being to take away your marketing overwhelm and reduce your list of “all the things” down to the actions most likely to translate to results. The program also includes 1:1 sessions and a WhatsApp group for ongoing support and encouragement each week.
Interested?! Hit reply and I’ll send you the full details. Intake is strictly limited to allow for a targeted, small-group learning environment. (Last round the program sold out before I had the chance to mention it on social media!)
I look forward to helping you get your marketing sorted!