When did you last update your Instagram bio?
Here’s 5 Quick Tips tips to add value to your profile.
When you sit down to consider increasing your pricing, do you find yourself asking “What’s the most I think people would pay for this?” If you do, that’s VERY normal, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right way. Instead of considering what “most” people would pay for your service, what if you reframed that thinking?
How often do you hold off on posting because the subject matter or content doesn’t feel “perfect” or “polished” enough? What if much of what you hold off on posting is what people actually want to hear about, see and read the MOST? Connecting with and serving your audience well is how you avoid getting out-communicated by your competitors.
Motherhood and entrepreneurship is a combination I never expected to experience. Having began my career as a journalist working for a large media company, I had a rather “traditional” view of what having a new bub would look like; namely 12 months maternity leave followed by the inevitable return to work / childcare juggle. My reality for the birth of both of my children couldn’t have looked more different to this!
The out of office email reply is set and maternity leave is calling! As any entrepreneur knows, taking time away from your business feels incredibly strange and a little nerve wracking, if I’m to be completely honest. But as many, MANY fellow #mumpreneurs have told me, their biggest regret in biz life thus far has been neglecting to take time out with their family when it mattered most. So I’m taking all the advice—and with it… two months maternity leave to spend time with these two loves and the tiniest love soon to join us.
When you write a new blog post, how do you usually tell the world about it? Post about it on Instagram and tell your followers to “check out the link in profile” to read the new content? This is great… but you’ve only achieved 2 touch points from this one piece of content. If you’re going to go to the effort to write a new post, you need to MAXIMISE it. Here’s how.