People aren’t paying you for what you do. There’s already thousands of people with the same title who, on paper, “do what you do”. eg. “Photographer” “Accountant” “Copywriter” “Fitness Instructor” “Designer” “Strategist”.
What people are paying YOU for is the value you bring and the impact you make.
👇 Here’s an example. 👇
You don’t engage my services because I’m a copywriter or a marketing strategist. You engage me to:
→ Eliminate the guesswork and give you clarity and confidence in your messaging and marketing.
→ Find the right words to effectively communicate the value of your services and articulate what differentiates your brand from your competitors.
→ Remove the overwhelm and help you implement marketing strategies that convert website visitors and social media followers into engaged, loyal clients.
The reality is, no one is buying your product or service. They’re buying a FEELING. So it’s time to STOP only talking about what you do, and START talking more about the value you bring and the impact you make. THAT’S what people will pay for.
✨ Sell the feeling and the transformation, not the service. ✨
If this is something you struggle with, let’s chat about doing a Strategy Session together to help you get clarity on how to effectively communicate your value.