“Where should I invest my marketing energy to see results?”
I get asked this question a LOT. While the answer will be nuanced for your particular business, here’s a rough guide for how much marketing energy to devote to different parts of your funnel:
50% – Attention | Let people know you exist
30% – Connection | Build up the “know, like and trust” bank
20% – Conversion | Call them to action to engage your services
There are two really clear mishaps I see business owners make when it comes to this:
I encourage you to do a little audit of your last 10 or so social media posts and see if you can identify which part of the funnel they fall into: ATTENTION, CONNECTION or CONVERSION.
What I typically find is that we favour one part of the funnel (usually the one we find easiest) and give it a disproportionate amount of our focus. Once you’ve identified this, use it as a little exercise to see if you can’t start giving a little more love to the parts of the funnel you mind tend to ignore.
If you need help, reach out!