2025 marks SIX years in business for The Strategy Studio, which honestly blows my mind. I’ve said many times before that I never set out to run my own business. Somewhere deep down I think I thought after a few years of exploring my curiosities in the world of creative entrepreneurship that I’d ultimately go […]

Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

Redefining success in business

Everyone wants to buy, but no one wants to be sold to. It’s true, right?  So how do we get people to buy from our businesses without being “salesy”?  → We give our audience a reason to feel connected to our business that is about more than the product or service we have to sell. […]


Customers are bored of everything… except this

If you’ve followed me for a while now, you’ll know that I work closely with the talented creative director and designer, Julia, from Luminous Lines. Julia “slid into my DMs” back in 2019, when The Strategy Studio was in its VERY early stages, and we hit it off instantly. She was looking for someone to […]


The power of collaboration

It might be controversial… but I’m not big on “Year in Review” type reflection exercises. I find they can be a bit too ‘self-congratulatory’ or something. I’m all about celebrating and even sharing the wins when they happen, but suggest to me a 20-question Year-in-Review activity and my brain is tapped out. So… you can […]


Reflecting on 2022 in 3 questions

I want to talk about making money. But first, some context.  In a previous blog post I gave you some points to consider when deciding whether to put your pricing on your website or not. In response, I received several emails expressing a sentiment along the lines of: “Before I share my prices… how do […]


Getting Your Pricing Right

Flower arranging

I was looking for an old photo of Lydia on my phone the other night and in between the thousands of kid pictures and videos there were hundreds of photos of flowers and floral arrangements. (In case you’re not familiar with my story, I trained as a floral designer when I first moved to Canada […]


What floristry taught me about entrepreneurship