If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I regularly talk about the difference between the “real world” and the “ideal world”.  I wholeheartedly believe that as entrepreneurs, we need to be hearing more strategies that work in the “real world”… You know, the one where you don’t have entire teams behind you […]

Marketing Strategy

A realistic approach to marketing

The Strategy Studio
Social media juggling act

A common sentiment I’m hearing from clients lately is the frustration around not being able to afford paid ads—and the feeling that without paid ads, they’re never going to succeed in business.  I have 3 big thoughts on this.  1. Just because you buy an impression, doesn’t mean you make one. Throwing $1000 of $10,000 […]

Marketing Strategy

What if I can’t afford paid ads?

Finding the motivation to keep marketing your small business can be exhausting, right?  → Every time you open Instagram there’s a new “trend” you’re meant to be on top of.  → You’re wondering how on earth you’re meant to use email marketing to book more clients. → Paid Ads feel like a total mystery to […]

Marketing Strategy

Group coaching is BACK!

Social media strategy

I’m coming at you with a very quick and easy win this week: Welcoming new followers.  What do I mean? Quite literally, sending a personal message to any new person (aka potential lead) that hits the follow button for your business on social media. It could look something like this:  Hey {person’s name}  Thanks for […]

Marketing Strategy

A 2-minute marketing strategy you can do today

I’ve lost count of the number of clients who’ve come to me feeling defeated and/or overwhelmed because they’ve been presented with an idealwordl Marketing Strategy that is completely out of touch with their realworld life. “I can’t afford to execute this!”“I don’t have the resources to create this amount of content!”“I struggle to show up […]

Marketing Strategy

Creating a realistic marketing strategy

Marketing Strategy
Marketing strategy

Do you become emotionally overwhelmed any time you attempt to sit down and work on marketing for your business? Do you catch yourself: Saving trending audio for Reels instead of actually *making* one. Rearranging photos in Planoly but not writing any captions to go with them. Creating new graphic templates in Canva. Recording videos for […]

Marketing Strategy

How to deal with marketing overwhelm

Are you guilty of “random acts of social”? Do you post to your social platforms sporadically, without any set plan? Are you scared of repeating yourself?

Social media habits like this are common, but they’re also the reason your ideal client isn’t interacting with you and taking the next step from being a “follower” to an engaged (and hopefully *paying*) customer or client.

Marketing Strategy

How to build trust and earn attention

Testimonials matter. And before you ask, YEP, people read them. It all comes down to getting the RIGHT testimonials.
So what’s a “good” testimonial? And how can you get them for your business?

Marketing Strategy

Why you need testimonials

Today marked the final online workshop of my 6-month group coaching program, Marketing Masters.

This program was uniquely designed for established business owners who were already nailing their Instagram game but wanted to level-up in their marketing in other areas. Here’s what we achieved together.

Marketing Strategy

Group Coaching Success

Don’t talk about what you know and what you do. Try this instead.

Tell me HOW what you know and what you do is → the ANSWER to the problem I need to solve or the change I want to make.

Marketing Strategy

How can you help your ideal client?