Is your ideal client aged 25 – 40? If so, listen up.

Research shows that 83% of millennials (born 1981 – 1996) want to engage with brands / companies that align with their values.

Marketing Strategy

How to market to millennials

What metrics matter on social media?

The short answer is different metrics matter depending on your goals.

Marketing Strategy, Social Media

Which social media metrics matter

Don’t use your competitors as a safety net!

How often have you thought about content you’ve wanted to share, but then changed your mind because it doesn’t feel in alignment with what other people in your industry are doing?

Marketing Strategy

Your audience is your priority

Newsflash: Clients don’t care what you do. They care what it will do for them. This is the number one reason that telling potential customers about your services will do little to persuade them to book or buy. Instead, show them what it feels like to benefit from your offering. Let me explain.

Marketing Strategy

What clients really care about

When it comes to communicating the value you can bring to clients, the message is only going to be received and digested if you can FIRST show your audience you “get” them. Here’s a few different examples of ways you can empathise with your audience, validate their feelings and let them know you understand their challenges.

Marketing Strategy, Social Media

Building trust with your audience

Have you heard of Clubhouse yet? It’s a new social platform based entirely on AUDIO. No need for hours of content creation, no weird dance moves you need to learn, no fancy new tech to master! I think you’re going to LOVE it like I do. Here I thought I’d answer some of the most common questions I’m hearing about Clubhouse.

Marketing Strategy, Social Media

What is Clubhouse all about?