10 ways to use AI in your marketing

When did you last update your Instagram bio?

Here’s 5 Quick Tips tips to add value to your profile.


10 ways to use AI in your marketing

Testimonials matter. And before you ask, YEP, people read them. It all comes down to getting the RIGHT testimonials.
So what’s a “good” testimonial? And how can you get them for your business?

Marketing Strategy

Why you need testimonials

Today marked the final online workshop of my 6-month group coaching program, Marketing Masters.

This program was uniquely designed for established business owners who were already nailing their Instagram game but wanted to level-up in their marketing in other areas. Here’s what we achieved together.

Marketing Strategy

Group Coaching Success

Don’t talk about what you know and what you do. Try this instead.

Tell me HOW what you know and what you do is → the ANSWER to the problem I need to solve or the change I want to make.

Marketing Strategy

How can you help your ideal client?

Do hashtags still matter? Which hashtags should I use? How many hashtags is too many? Let’s answer all of those questions for you, shall we?

Social Media

Do hashtags still matter?

What does it mean if people are regularly “saving” my posts?

The “SAVED” Instagram metric is for posts that people have saved into their private Instagram collection.

Social Media

What “saved posts” means on Instagram


When did you last update your Instagram bio?
Here’s 5 Quick Tips tips to add value to your profile.

Social Media

How to optimise your Instagram bio

Did you hear about Instagram’s plans to return the chronological feed next year? Here’s what we know so far, and what you can start thinking about.

Social Media

The return of the IG chronological feed

Is your ideal client aged 25 – 40? If so, listen up.

Research shows that 83% of millennials (born 1981 – 1996) want to engage with brands / companies that align with their values.

Marketing Strategy

How to market to millennials

What metrics matter on social media?

The short answer is different metrics matter depending on your goals.

Marketing Strategy, Social Media

Which social media metrics matter

Don’t use your competitors as a safety net!

How often have you thought about content you’ve wanted to share, but then changed your mind because it doesn’t feel in alignment with what other people in your industry are doing?

Marketing Strategy

Your audience is your priority

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Marketing your small business can be overwhelming and frustrating.