When did you last update your Instagram bio?
Here’s 5 Quick Tips tips to add value to your profile.
This was me on June 17, the day after my last Instagram post. In emergency, feeling like absolute rubbish, breastfeeding a baby. #wakeupcall
It wasn’t serious. (Swipe to see — I’m absolutely fine.) But it was scary.
I had written and re-written my website copy a thousand times and it still didn’t feel right. Tahnée jumped in with her strategic eye and wordsmithing capabilities, offering me an immense amount of clarity and reassurance and completely elevating my website experience. She is an incredible coach and visionary!
Are you guilty of “random acts of social”? Do you post to your social platforms sporadically, without any set plan? Do you fear repetition so only post when you have something “fresh” to show and share? These type of social media habits are really common but they’re also the reason your ideal client isn’t interacting with you.
When it comes to communicating the value you can bring to clients, the message is only going to be received and digested if you can FIRST show your audience you “get” them. Here’s a few different examples of ways you can empathise with your audience, validate their feelings and let them know you understand their challenges.
Have you heard of Clubhouse yet? It’s a new social platform based entirely on AUDIO. No need for hours of content creation, no weird dance moves you need to learn, no fancy new tech to master! I think you’re going to LOVE it like I do. Here I thought I’d answer some of the most common questions I’m hearing about Clubhouse.
Did you create a new service for your business, launch it to the world and then…. crickets? Due to COVID, many of us have lost our bread-and-butter bookings and have made changes to our service offerings in the hope of capturing new clients and generating revenue. If it isn’t working… it might be because of this.