What would you do if your social media disappeared tomorrow? I’ve asked this question many times, and the response is often the same: an eye roll. “That would never happen.”“I’m not worried about that.”“I’ll deal with it if it ever becomes a problem.” But here’s the thing—social media platforms aren’t invincible, and neither is your […]
“Where should I invest my marketing energy to see results?” I get asked this question a LOT. While the answer will be nuanced for your particular business, here’s a rough guide for how much marketing energy to devote to different parts of your funnel: 50% – Attention | Let people know you exist 30% – […]
People aren’t paying you for what you do. There’s already thousands of people with the same title who, on paper, “do what you do”. eg. “Photographer” “Accountant” “Copywriter” “Fitness Instructor” “Designer” “Strategist”. What people are paying YOU for is the value you bring and the impact you make. 👇 Here’s an […]
I’m your ideal client, I’ve discovered you and I want to engage your services… What do I need to do next? Put yourself in the shoes of a potential client and imagine they’ve just landed on your website, or found your social media profile. Will they encounter a clear Call To Action that tells them […]
We don’t always choose the content that appears in our feed… but we ABSOLUTELY choose the emails we open. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tahnée Sanders▪️Marketing Strategist & Copywriter (@thestrategystudio) I hope this little video gives you a perspective shift on how you value your audience, and reminds you about the […]
If you really struggle to get ChatGPT to write decent marketing content for your brand, it might be because you’re not inputting the right prompts. I teach small business owners how to make ChatGPT the best tool in your marketing toolkit, and these are the top 3 prompts I swear by. “I need your help […]
Have you ever found yourself posting on social media just because you feel like you have to? Sending out a newsletter simply because it’s on your to-do list? It’s time to stop with what I call “placeholder marketing”. You don’t need it. It’s not serving you, and it’s not serving your audience. We can all […]
This 👇is one of the biggest pain points for small business owners…. Tell me if you agree. → How to get potential customers to understand the tremendous value and quality of your goods or services so they’re willing to pay what your product or expertise is ACTUALLY worth. The reason this can feel so hard […]