Here’s something I really dislike about writing website copy….  Unless that copy gets handed over to a killer designer, you have zero control over its effectiveness.  You see, great copy and great design go hand in hand. Investing in one without the other is truly—in my humble opinion—a waste of money.  It doesn’t matter how […]


Website copy or design? Which matters more?

If you’ve ever wondered what a copywriter really does and whether they could benefit your business, you’re not alone! So I’m here to give you the answers.  At its core, copywriting is the art of crafting compelling words that resonate with your audience, driving them to take desired actions. But let’s dive deeper. What is […]


What does a copywriter do exactly?

Working on your website? A great website starts with a great header.  Here are 3 things every website header must include.  👀 Your header is the first thing people see when landing on your site. They will decide in 3-5 seconds whether they want to scroll on, or leave.  Your header has to do the […]


Website Header Must Haves

How do you make people CURIOUS about your brand? How can you ENLIGHTEN them as to how you could help them?  → With a great one-liner.  A one-liner is like your elevator pitch. It’s the short and sharp answer you give in response to the question “What do you do?”; a simple statement you use […]


HOW TO: Communicate your value

When I officially launched The Strategy Studio back in 2019, copywriting wasn’t a service I offered.  Being a former journalist it seems like an obvious service inclusion, right?! But at the time it wasn’t part of the business plan. I was focussed on Business & Marketing Strategy. I thought I needed to execute on those […]


Embracing your point of difference

The Strategy Studio

“So I know you do copywriting, but what does that really mean? What does a copywriter actually do?” Maybe you’re familiar enough to gather that copywriting involves “writing”, but beyond that, you’d be forgiven for wondering how a copywriter could help you in your business?  In case you, too, had wondered what copywriting / a […]


What is copywriting?

“I have two different audiences for my business. How can I talk to them both on my website?”  This is far more common than you might realise! I’ve had three clients in the past month where this was a part of our copywriting conversation so if this is you, you’re not alone! To make an […]


How to talk to two audiences on your website


Research shows you have 3 – 5 seconds to capture someone’s attention when they land on your website. And in that flash of time, they need to be able answer 3 questions if they’re going to stay on your site and engage further with your services.  The 3 questions you need to answer are:  1. […]


3 things your website header must include

Here’s 3 tips to help you get your website copy sorted if you can’t afford to hire a copywriter.


3 Tips to write website copy