When did you last update your Instagram bio?
Here’s 5 Quick Tips tips to add value to your profile.
“Why is no one booking (or buying)?!” If inquiries are quieter than normal at the moment, you feel like you’re getting ghosted after sending a proposal, or noticing sales are on the decline, I get it! You’re not alone. But rather than panicking, losing sleep or crossing our fingers and hoping something changes, we can […]
What if you could combine your everyday marketing efforts in new and interesting ways to deliver surprisingly effective results? We’re calling it Marketing Alchemy! Much like the alchemists of old sought to turn base metals into gold, we too can get a little creative with the marketing efforts that we’re already doing! Let me give […]
The easiest way to justify price is through process. If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll have heard or read that statement from me more times than you can recall. And my response to that is — GREAT! Because it’s IMPORTANT. (Repetition is your friend, remember!) For those with “visual” businesses, like artists, designers, florists, […]
If you are having trouble connecting with your ideal client, it might be because you’re making the mistake of playing the hero. Your ideal client doesn’t need you to be their hero. Your ideal client needs a guide with the tools, knowledge, expertise and confidence to help them overcome their challenges. Why? Because the reason […]
A really common pain point I hear from small business owners is the struggle to connect with their ideal client. I know how hard it is, especially in a world where everyone’s attention is being pulled in multiple directions. But there is something you can do to improve your connection with your ideal client, and […]
When discussing pricing with potential clients, the term “sticker shock” often comes up. It’s that immediate, gut reaction clients have when they see the price of your service for the first time. This reaction stems from their preconceived notion of the value of your service and how your pricing aligns with that perception. The root […]
Is your engagement on your social media content down? I’ve got something that can help. There’s nothing more frustrating than putting so much energy into your content only to post it and…. CRICKETS. If only people would actually engage with what you’ve created! But let me ask…. Do you engage when you’re using social media? […]
If you’ve ever caught yourself thinking “No one ever opens my email newsletters. What’s the point of sending them?” this blog is for you. I know how annoying it feels to spend time writing an email newsletter that it feels like no one ever reads. Before you’re too hard on yourself, it’s worth noting that […]