Want to know how you can apply marketing techniques used by big companies like Coca Cola, Microsoft and PayPal without it costing you a cent?  NEUROMARKETING.  “Say what now?” Don’t worry, I’ll explain.  At its core, neuromarketing delves into the human brain’s reactions to various marketing stimuli. By monitoring brain waves, eye movements, and facial […]

Marketing Strategy

Neuromarketing for small business

Branding | Marketing | Messaging | Ever wondered how they all work together?  First up → The explanations.  Branding: Impacts how someone feels about your business. (First impression!) Messaging: What you say, how, and to who. It’s knowing what your brand stands for and how you serve people / help them solve a problem. It’s […]

Marketing Strategy

Branding | Messaging | Marketing

Are you tired of the #beauthentic message when it comes to marketing?  The hashtag itself feels like a trend circa 2016 or so…. Right?  Personally, I don’t like the idea that being authentic in your marketing is a “trend” you have to embrace. Even the word “authentic” has begun feeling a little icky to me, […]

Marketing Strategy

Genuine v Authentic Marketing

Let’s talk about “Unnecessary Marketing”… Are you doing it?  Unnecessary marketing is the marketing you do because you think you SHOULD—not because it’s tied to any business goal.  → It’s the Reel you sit on the couch making at night because you haven’t posted a Reel lately and you don’t want the algorithm to forget […]

Marketing Strategy

Are you wasting time on unnecessary marketing?

“You need to get your messaging sorted.” Ever received this piece of feedback and wondered what in the world it meant? Let’s discuss! MESSAGING → What you say, how, and to who. It’s knowing what your brand stands for.  MARKETING → Where you say it.  Now that’s an overly simplistic definition, yet it’s all you […]

Marketing Strategy

Marketing v Messaging. What’s the difference?

Ever wondered why you should consider Pinterest as a marketing tool?  Members of my marketing accountability program, Marketing Matters, recently had the opportunity to learn all about how to optimise Pinterest thanks to the expertise of our guest presenter and Pinterest whiz, Annaliese Naomi. Far more than a place to collect inspiration (and plan your […]

Marketing Strategy

Pinterest Marketing 101

I’ve been talking a lot lately about the difference between marketing EXHAUSTION and marketing SATURATION. If you’re not familiar with the idea, ask yourself this question… → Is my overwhelm and general feeling of ‘I’m over it’ when it comes to social media marketing because I’ve been DOING too much of it… or is it […]

Marketing Strategy

How to show up in a world of too much content.

If you’ve ever seen a marketing trends report and thought “How in the world does that apply to small business?” 😂 I hear you. (But also, I don’t blame you if you’ve never even *looked* at a marketing trends report. You connect with people like me so you don’t have to, right?!)  So yes, I […]

Marketing Strategy

The Latest Marketing Trends Report

Have you dipped your toes into using AI in your marketing yet?  The talk of AI (artificial intelligence) is everywhere… and the conversation has extremes from fear-mongering about it “taking our jobs” to claims it’s capable of doing all of our marketing for us.  The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.  Personally, I’m […]

ChatGPT, Marketing Strategy

10 ways to use AI in your marketing.

Choosing a favourite marketing book is impossible. I read a LOT of them. But anytime I’m asked for my top recommendations, I always come back to the following 4, and here’s why.  → This Is Marketing by Seth Godin is a brilliant book about developing meaningful connections through your marketing, storytelling, and creating a loyal […]

Marketing Strategy

My go-to marketing books