When did you last update your Instagram bio?
Here’s 5 Quick Tips tips to add value to your profile.
Wondering how we can work together? Thanks for asking! 😉 I have 3 core services that I offer: ✔️Strategy Sessions: 2 hours together, just you and I, to get your marketing sorted. One-to-one support (you can ask me anything! ) to help get your marketing sorted. Perhaps you’re struggling to generate inquiries and bookings from […]
How do you know when it’s time to increase your prices? Here are 5 Signs it could be time to increase your prices: And always, remember this: Your pricing should be based on your knowledge, experience and the quality of your product or service. It should NOT be based on someone else’s perception of your […]
When I say “LinkedIn is a great marketing tool”, I’m going to guess you roll your eyes and think one (or all!) of the following… Did I read your mind?! Hehe. I was having a conversation with my monthly marketing accountability group, Marketing Matters, about diversifying our social media platforms of choice, and the question […]
Ever wondered why you should consider Pinterest as a marketing tool? Members of my marketing accountability program, Marketing Matters, recently had the opportunity to learn all about how to optimise Pinterest thanks to the expertise of our guest presenter and Pinterest whiz, Annaliese Naomi. Far more than a place to collect inspiration (and plan your […]
“Hey Tahnée… which podcast was it where you talked about what to do when your website isn’t converting and generating inquiries?” That’s actually a conversation I’ve had on a lot of podcasts so far this year, so I thought I’d do a round up of where to find the right advice, depending on the industry […]
I’ve been talking a lot lately about the difference between marketing EXHAUSTION and marketing SATURATION. If you’re not familiar with the idea, ask yourself this question… → Is my overwhelm and general feeling of ‘I’m over it’ when it comes to social media marketing because I’ve been DOING too much of it… or is it […]
Have you dipped your toes into using AI in your marketing yet? The talk of AI (artificial intelligence) is everywhere… and the conversation has extremes from fear-mongering about it “taking our jobs” to claims it’s capable of doing all of our marketing for us. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. Personally, I’m […]
Choosing a favourite marketing book is impossible. I read a LOT of them. But anytime I’m asked for my top recommendations, I always come back to the following 4, and here’s why. → This Is Marketing by Seth Godin is a brilliant book about developing meaningful connections through your marketing, storytelling, and creating a loyal […]
Are you contemplating adding a new service to your business? It can be tempting to consider adding new products and services to our businesses as a way to generate growth and additional revenue. But how do you know what offerings are worth your time and attention, and which ideas you should simply let go? Try […]