10 ways to use AI in your marketing

When did you last update your Instagram bio?

Here’s 5 Quick Tips tips to add value to your profile.


10 ways to use AI in your marketing

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed things have looked a little different this month. I’ve broken all the so-called rules and turned my Instagram feed into a monthly e-magazine cover that allows you to click in to read carefully-curated tips, trends, insights, education, motivation and encouragement to help you navigate the […]

Marketing Strategy

Why I overhauled my social media marketing

When we discuss pricing, we often talk about clients getting “sticker shock”; that gut reaction they have when seeing our price for the first time.  That gut reaction is based on how they’ve assigned value to the service we offer, and how our pricing marries up to that assumption they’ve made.  So how does a […]


How to avoid pricing “sticker shock”

What’s your intention or thought process when you create and share a piece of content on social media? Perhaps you’re conscious of showing up regularly so the algorithm doesn’t forget about you, or trying to tie your content to current trends to help extend your reach.  While both of these approaches have their place, they […]

Marketing Strategy

Creating content that generates connection

How many times have you been scrolling social media and seen another one of those reels telling you the “5 things you need to do to gain 1000 new followers a day”? (Or some other bogus promise.) They’re everywhere, and I’m not pooh-poohing them en masse. Some of them include some excellent tips which are […]

Marketing Strategy

Using hooks (and sinkers) in marketing

“I feel like I’m on a marketing hamster wheel. Nothing I create feels original or inspired. I’m out of ideas on what to do next.”  Does this feeling resonate with you?  If so, do you still catch yourself spending a considerable amount of time each day on your social media apps, scrolling, hoping for inspiration […]

Marketing Strategy

Are you feeling marketing burnout?

If you’ve followed me for a while now, you’ll know that I work closely with the talented creative director and designer, Julia, from Luminous Lines. Julia “slid into my DMs” back in 2019, when The Strategy Studio was in its VERY early stages, and we hit it off instantly. She was looking for someone to […]


The power of collaboration

It might be controversial… but I’m not big on “Year in Review” type reflection exercises. I find they can be a bit too ‘self-congratulatory’ or something. I’m all about celebrating and even sharing the wins when they happen, but suggest to me a 20-question Year-in-Review activity and my brain is tapped out. So… you can […]


Reflecting on 2022 in 3 questions

The Strategy Studio

When I officially launched The Strategy Studio back in 2019, copywriting wasn’t a service I offered.  Being a former journalist it seems like an obvious service inclusion, right?! But at the time it wasn’t part of the business plan. I was focussed on Business & Marketing Strategy. I thought I needed to execute on those […]


Embracing your point of difference

Investing in your own business feels scary, right? You always have hope that it’s going to pay off and be worth it, but you rarely know with any certainty what the return on your investment is going to be. This year as interest rates started to rise, the weekly grocery bill went bonkers, and the […]


The best investment in my business this year

Do you have an email list? In case you’re confused by the question, I’ll quickly clarify what I mean. An “email list” in this context is people who have signed up to receive emails from you for marketing purposes. I’m not just talking about email addresses in your contact list, because technically you don’t have […]

Marketing Strategy

Overcoming email marketing hesitation

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Marketing your small business can be overwhelming and frustrating.